Friday, October 25, 2019

DarkComet RAT

Darkcomet RAT, don’t you know it ?

It is a remote administration software, developed by the famous coder: Jean-Pierre Lesueur (DarkCoderSc).
Darkcomet RAT (is a Remote Administration Tool) used for remote control, your computer workstations, to perform all possible actions through the software, (opening CD, recovering your lost but saved passwords), but many more!
We share all versions with you from version 4.0 onwards, these versions are completely clean and tidy, no modifications have been made, please find attached the multi antivirus scanner report. (it is normal that there are detections I will explain why).
DarkComet RAT was developed for educational purposes and to serve without further dishonest attention, however many malicious users have used it for criminal purposes (please read the rules of our site), which is why DarkCoderSc (the developer) has dropped its software.
Download link for all versions 4 to 5.3.1F: Darkcomet RAT.
Password of the archive: “thankyou” without the” 🙂 .
DarkComet RAT at the base is not a virus, depending on what the user will do with it later.
Download Darkcomet

Screenshots of the Remote Administration Tool :

Darkcomet RAT server builder
The server builder of the RAT, with lot of functions.
Darkcomet RAT File manager
The File manager, you can access to all directory on the host computer.
RAT client settings
Client settings Tab.
RAT control manager
The control manager tab allow you to make a lot of actions !
Darkcomet rat Trojan
The main page of Darkcomet RAT.

This creation was made by DarkCoderSC,
Hackcess declines all responsibility in the event of misuse of its software, please use it wisely and for the purpose of computer education.
A little detour to the rules section of our Hackcess website could refresh your mind.
Thank you for sharing our article to support our publications, it motivates us to continue.

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